Monday, July 25, 2016


We are back in Oslo now after a full weekend! We did a *lot* of driving but saw a *lot* of beauty. Pictures just will not do justice to the majesty of the things we saw. But maybe they will give a few glimpses.

Andrew and Christina got into town on Thursday, and on Friday we hit the road tFlåm!

Flam is on the Aurlandsfjorden, which is the longest and deepest fjord 
in Norway. The fjords are so interesting, because they are these deep 
fingers of water surrounded by steep steep mountain on all sides. They 
aren't cliffs per say, because they usually aren't the sheer rock face I 
think of when you say cliffs. But they are steep mountainsides all 
along the water. They are so beautiful and unique.

The town of Flåm was very cute, and we saw a bit of it, but mostly 
only had time to do the train ride.

The rose garden at the historic hotel smelled so incredible! I swear I have never smelled roses so sweet before.

Flåm has a train that goes up the mountain, and it's called the most 
beautiful train ride in the world. It runs about 20 km but goes from 
sea level to over 2,000 feet. It uses some unique adhesion method, 
and winds up through the mountain side passing right by waterfalls 
and rivers and through 20 tunnels. It was pretty spectacular.

Can someone Photoshop this boy out of our cute pic? Lol!

See Christina in the window?

We caught the late train, so this girl was really tired :'(

Of all days for my camera to shut down, this was the worst one!! I 
only have phone pictures to share, sadly! And the camera started 
back up the very next day; can you believe that? So you will just 
have to take my word that this was all a lot more beautiful than even 
my pictures look.

She only smiles for selfies now!

They gave all the children free coloring books with colored pencils! And the kids rode free, too!

She wanted a picture with a troll, but was too nervous to stand by one alone! Haha!

The drive to Flåm was over 4 hours, so we stayed the night fairly 
close by. The best place I found was a campground with little cabins 
for rent, so we all bunked up in one tiny house!

Do you see Levi J's tiny bum in the bottom left bed? Haha!

Then we were off north to Oppdal!

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