Friday, July 15, 2016

Birthday Bjoy

For the first time this summer, I got behind on my blogging! I skipped yesterday, so I'm determined to play catch up today.

Yesterday was Levi's 39th birthday! Last week, I had the idea that we would go to the Olympic ski jump on his birthday. I told the kids about it, and from then on Quintana kept saying "Ski jump Daddy birthday!" So whether he cared about the ski jump or not, it was decided we had to go to the ski jump for Daddy's birthday!

Birthday snuggles
The ski jump was actually way cooler than I expected! It's hard to picture how enormous it actually is until you're right in front of it. It is so incredibly high and steep!! I just cannot imagine what it's like to hit that thing on skis. Insane.

This stadium holds 70,000 spectators!

There was a zipline that ran from the top to the bottom. It got going realllly fast!

The views from this area of Oslo were amazing. You could see the whole city and the fjord too.

Up on the hill, we found a troll! Did you know that trolls turn to stone when they come out in the sunlight? We saw many troll-like rocks in Iceland, but nothing so clearly a troll as this one. ;)

We also found a cool little obstacle course on the hill. Levi J did a great job!

Ski jump in the background

It turned out to be a fun morning! Levi is not a big fan of cake, but he absolutely loves the donuts here. So we made a donut cake! Easy peasy!

Happy happy birthday to an amazing man! I can't imagine very many men I know who would be willing to take their wife and little kids on an adventure like the one we're one. I'm so very lucky to have him as my partner on this wild ride called life. I wouldn't want to ride with anyone else.

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