Sunday, January 15, 2017

Island Sunsets

Today we went to church here in Palma. There are three branches of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that meet here in the city, and are two other branches elsewhere on the island. Actually there were very few Spaniards in the branch, but many South Americans and some Africans. It was all in Spanish with no translation, but I was surprised how easy it was for me to keep up.

After church (and naps) we took a drive a little north of Palma. We drove through a perfect little town called Valldemossa first, and I was happily snapping away pictures until I realized the memory card was not in the camera! So here's a picture off of Google to remember how absolutely darling the town was.

The writer George Sand and composer Frederic Chopin lived in Valldemossa for a time, and we happened by their residence (and befriended some cats). Now that I knew the camera was out I caught some pictures with my phone.

As we got to the sea on the north of the island and headed west, the sun was starting to set. We stopped at a lookout where there was a tower from the 1500s, and caught the gorgeous sunset at the perfect time.

My future home.

From inside the tower

The boys climbing the ladder to the top

We got pretty cold!!


And what better way to end such a perfect scene than for everyone to get carsick on the drive home?? Ha! Memories.

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