Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Fundacio Joan Miro

I'm exhausted but I really want to get these pictures up tonight. So not much commentary on these, sorry! (Or maybe, you're welcome!)

Today was my first day alone in a foreign country with the kids! And we survived! Levi left early this morning. We were very sad to see him go. All day long the kids were saying, "I miss Daddy!"

We *finally* made it to the Miro museum! And it did not disappoint. The museum was gorgeous; such an amazing space. And right next door are Miro's studios, set up just as if he were there.

It was such a lovely space

So many steps, and she had to do each and every one herself. "I do it myself!!"

That is the museum in the background

Miro's studio! It still has his paint splatters on the floor and everything. So so cool to see.

The outside of his studio. It was made just for him.

His sculpture studio, where he would sketch right on the walls.

They put the sculpture right in front of its sketch. So neat.

This was Levi J's favorite

I loved loved loved it. But I'm so sleepy now, so goodnight!

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