Thursday, January 26, 2017

Enjoying the Mediterranean

Today we had beautiful weather, por fin!! And a beautiful day out to enjoy it. The kids enjoyed the caves we went to last week so much that I thought we would see some other caves nearby. 

The location was just beautiful. We had to wait almost an hour for our tour, but we did not mind. The entrance to the caves was up a hillside with such lovely views. And it was sunny and a little warm, so we relaxed and explored and played with the cats that lived there.

I swear they really were having fun.
The caves were amazing, of course. No pictures were allowed inside though, bummer! We went with a big bus of old Spanish people. I wasn't thrilled about that, but it worked out just fine. The tour guide had us and one other couple come to the front so that she could give us the tour in English. Then we could wander around while she gave it in Spanish.

After the tour we had lunch at a cafe there with the same lovely views. We had albondigos and pizza, so good!

After lunch we went on a little hike. There are no rivers on Mallorca, but they have what they call "torrents," which is where the water runs when it's rained enough. With all the rain last week the torrent there was a rushing river. So we hiked up alongside it and enjoyed the weather. And the kids enjoyed the puddles!! Everyone else on the trail was laughing at my mud-loving children.

We didn't make it all the way to the top (mostly because I was out of patience and dreading the walk down again). But the kids of course didn't know the difference. It was so nice to be out enjoying the countryside.

I got some pictures yesterday and today that I have been wanting to capture. The countryside is so beautiful and I want to remember a little of it. I love seeing the old windmills everywhere. And we see herds of sheep and goats all over. There is a lot of agriculture, also, groves of orange and lemon trees, and lots of olives and grapes.

Artichokes growing

This island really is just amazing. The charm and sites of Europe, the weather and food of the Mediterranean, and the ocean almost everywhere you turn. It really has captured my heart.

Oh, and yesterday we got to spend the morning with my first Mallorcan friend! Well, second if you count our home exchangers. Tina is a friend of our exchangers and picked us up from the airport. Yesterday we had breakfast and she took us walking through Palma. It was super super fun.

In front of an upside down church

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