Friday, August 12, 2016

Taking Our Catholic Pilgrimage

Today we went to Vatican City to see St. Peter's Basilica. We decided not to go to the Vatican museum because it would be too much with the kids. We've been before, and although the Sistine Chapel is incredible, the rest we didn't mind skipping. We were planning to go to the Vatican catacombs to see St. Peter's tomb, but it turns out that children under 15 can't go in!

That's okay though, because St. Peter's was plenty. 2016 is a "jubilee year," which means the Pope has encouraged Catholics all over the world to pilgrimage to Rome this year. So Vatican City is pretty packed, especially this time of year.

I remember St. Peter's Square being big, but I still forgot how incredibly huge it is! It's just enormous, and beautiful. It was designed by Michelangelo himself,

There's no way to show just how huge St. Peter's really is!

The basilica is also enormous, and covered in gilt and gold. I love all the angels and cherubs. And Levi loves finding all the interesting symbols, like keys and bees and such.

Swiss guards

Michelangelo's Pieta. He sculpted it when he was only 25 years old.

A woman holding a unicorn! Ha!

We had wanted to go up to the dome, or cupola, but the kids were feeling tired and hungry after waiting out in the sun and then walking around the basilica.

Even when we bore them, at least they still have each other.

I thought it was cool to see an actual monk praying here. Although it is not a very reverent place sadly.

Peter, holding the key. The statue is at least 700 years old.

Pilgrims are supposed to touch Peter's toes and say a prayer.
Nothing cures grumpy kids like a nice Italian lunch! So we ditched Vatican City to eat. Pizza, veal sandwiches, dessert and gelato...we had happy kids at that point! And we had a very sweet old man Italian waiter who only spoke Italian but kept talking to us nonetheless.

The dome of St. Peter's Basilica and the walls around Vatican City
A beautiful place to see!

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