Tuesday, August 9, 2016

City Mice

Today was a fun and exhausting and hilarious and maddening day. Ha! Big Levi isn't feeling well (little bit of a cold), so I figured I would take the kids to the zoo and let him stay home and rest up. The kids have been so good traipsing around to so many ancient sites, they deserved to do something just for them!

It started out great. Levi dropped us off at the zoo because the car here is manual and I can't drive stick (as I always point out, I KNOW how to drive stick, I just CAN'T do it, hahaha).

It was a pretty great zoo! Elephants, giraffes, lions, tigers, bears, all the big stuff. And lots of great smaller things too, like lemurs, coatis, kangaroos, lynx, a great reptile house. The kids and I had a great outing.

It's Rome, so of course even the zoo has Corinthian columns and sculptures, haha


He loves taking pictures at these things, just like his mama!

The lemurs were so so cute!

I so wanted a cute picture of "Roo." She wasn't having it, though.

Now that's a cute little Roo, haha.

Chameleon; we even saw his eyes moving around out of sync of one another!

That was one creepy looking turtle

Around 1:30 we were pretty hot and tired, so we headed for home. My text messaging hasn't been working well, so I wasn't able to text Levi to come get us. So we decided to hoof it to the metro. Which was really far. And then we got lost. And then Quintana fell asleep in the stroller. So we stopped at this pretty park with gorgeous views, bought a Schweppes Limone (best drink EVER) and hung out for a little while.

St Peter's Basilica (Vatican City) on the horizon

Another beautiful view.

Once Sleeping Beauty awoke
Once Q was up we went down a huge winding cobblestone staircase (with stroller and two kids) to the metro station. Only to discover the metro station was all boarded up! So then we had to walk to another metro station (because I don't know the bus system here at all). And then transfer trains. And then I got lost in the metro station because it was a really big one. Oh yes, and I still was lugging the double stroller and two kids. And at 4:00 we finally got home!! Read back and you'll remember we left the zoo at 1:30. 

No idea where we were but we saw lots of cool stuff along the way!

He was so cute standing by himself on the train. The people around him were all petting his head.

That sweaty head and exhausted look in her eyes just sums it up.
I was so sweaty and red-faced and exhausted (we immediately took showers and watched Frozen), but even as we were in the middle of it I still thought it was a fun and funny adventure. City living with babies! And I did it! 

But hopefully I won't have another adventure like that tomorrow.

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