Monday, August 22, 2016

Ancient Religion

There are so many gorgeous and historic basilicas in Rome that it's hard to know when to say enough is enough. We hit two more amazing ones in the last two days, but I think we've finally hit out limit.

Yesterday we went to the Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano. It is called the "Mother Church" of Catholicism (Levi gets a kick out of that title, ha), and ranks even higher than St. Peter's in Vatican City. The popes lived in San Giovanni for many many years. It was given to the bishops by Constantine himself, and a statute of Constantine from the 5th century stands just outside.

See little Q down at the bottom?

This enormous bronze door came from the Roman Forum


I thought San Giovanni was gorgeous. I love the Baroque style, white stone and lots of light. While we were there Mass was going on, which was cool to see. Inside are huge statues of the 12 apostles.


The priest conducting Mass

This looks like Isaiah to me.

Peter, holding the Keys


This is what happens when I tell them I want a nice picture of them together.

Today we went to the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore. It is the first cathedral to honor Mary when the Catholic church first began to deify her. The gold on the ceilings was brought to Europe from the New World by Christopher Columbus!

Gold from Christopher Columbus!

The church houses a relic, supposed wood from the manger that the Savior was laid in at his birth! I am pretty sure that is not actually wood from his manger, hahaha.

Do you see the baby at the top? Underneath you can see the piece of wood.

One thing that has been a little disconcerting here in Rome is all the military guards with huge machine guns everywhere we go. I guess it's nice to know they are working hard to keep us all protected, but it's a little scary to think about what they think might happen. You aren't supposed to take pictures of them, but I sneaked a few today.

There are some amazing churches here. I feel a little guilty saying we're cathedral-ed out, but I think we are. Actually I should say basilica-ed out because cathedrals and basilicas are not the same thing I learned! But anyway, we've seen some very cool ones.

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