Thursday, June 16, 2016

Wednesday Winds Down and Whales

Yesterday was our first day with Levi actually working a full day while here in Iceland. It was a success! He was so worried about logging on to his network, reliable wireless service, running conference calls from so far away, etc, and it all went smoothly. The schedule works out pretty well, too, as he works from about 1pm to 9 or 10 pm. We can do something together in the morning, come home for lunch, then he can work and Q can nap.

Levi took a little stretch break after Quintana woke up, and we played some "football" in the backyard. I think we need to teach Levi J a little more about soccer, though, because he kept talking about "home plate," hahaha!


Dinner time coincides pretty well with lunchtime in Florida, so Levi took a dinner break, then the kids and I walked to a neighborhood park. It was adorable! But actually there was not much for Q to do there, haha. It was fun walking through the neighborhood and just taking it all in.

Last night everyone slept much better than the night before, hooray, and we all ended up sleeping in until quarter to nine! That didn't leave much time for a morning excursion, so Levi decided to stop in at the scuba shop and outdoors equipment store, and the kids and I went to the whale museum.

You know it's a tourist spot when the signs are only in English, lol

It was small, but I thought it was fun. It had life-size models of different whales, dolphins, and other sea mammals that are found close to Iceland. It had a lot of information about the animals, and some interactive displays and videos. It was lit darkly, with blue light, and lots of ambient noise and whale/dolphin sounds, so that you feel like you are underwater with the animals.

Unfortunately, Q was freaked out by the whales and the sounds and made me carry her almost the entire time. It would have been a very relaxing place if not for her grabbing me yelling "All done!" for almost an hour, ha.

Levi J really liked it though, and we talked a lot about whales together, which I loved.

This pretty much sums up their respective reactions to the Whale Museum, ha

If I had known, I would have brought the Ergo carrier, arg

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