Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Our First Day in the Ice Land

We made it to Reykjavik! 

It was not the easiest flight, no it was not, as little Quintana Roo refused to sleep on the overnight leg. She got maybe two hours of sleep that night, which means I got exactly zero sleep. Luckily, she was not screaming the whole time; she was pretty content, just too excited to keep her eyes closed (she literally would be falling asleep, and then jump up and look around like she was missing something important).

But I can always power through sleep deprivation and jet lag when I'm in a new country. That thrill of being somewhere new and foreign is such a high! The drive from the airport to Reykjavik was really cool, to see such a strange and beautiful landscape as far as the eye can see.

So far, my thoughts on the Iceland are that it actually reminds me a lot of Arizona. It looks like a desert, but a tundra desert of course. It is green but not a lush forest, it is scrubby and sparse, with lava rock pushing up everywhere. There is a lot of grass, but it's a different grass than Florida. And there is ocean everywhere. This description might not sound it, but it's very very beautiful. It looks very wild.

Today, our first full day here, we drove around to get our bearings and to stop and see whatever struck our fancy. We explored a black sand beach, which was gorgeous and totally different from any beach I've been to before. Q ran right into the water and didn't understand why she was at a beach but not allowed to swim. The sand and rocks were mostly black lava stones, light and holey like pumice. The sun was out and the day was clear, but the breeze was chilly for those of us with warm-weather blood! But it was very beautiful out, and I definitely enjoyed the weather.

Throwing rocks

Naturally, we had to take some jump pictures. Levi J took his first, haha!

We're getting a little old to land these jumps, haha

First jump picture!! He's a true Farnsworth now!

We also went to the grocery store, which was also quite an adventure!

Now Levi is working and Q is napping. With Levi working daily our big sightseeing excursions will have to wait for the weekends, but we're going to try to see something new almost every day we're here. It might not be too thrilling, but I'd like to chronicle it all here for myself at least. If you'd like to follow along, feel free!