Monday, June 20, 2016

Viking Turf

Today we went to the Viking Settlement Exhibition. It is one of only a few original Viking ruins in Iceland. It is a turf house dating about 871 AD. It's interesting that they can estimate the age of the house pretty closely, because a layer of volcanic ash fell in the region in 871 AD, and they can see that this house was already standing at that time.

Unfortunately, I forgot my camera so all I have are some fuzzy phone pictures, boo.

The museum won over the kids immediately with a kids corner just as we walked in. They could color, dress up, and play in a little make believe Viking camp.

He made so many cute Viking warrior poses that my dang phone didn't capture well! :(

Creepy puffins, or maybe we're auks?

Inside the exhibit was the walls of the Viking house, with a lot of really great interactive exhibits about the house, ancient Iceland, and the Vikings. The kids had a blast; Levi J loved the interactive exhibits (I can't believe what cool technology they used), and Q just liked running up and down the rocky slopes.

I was very impressed with the souvenir Levi J chose; instead of a sword, action figure, or rubber duck, he chose a really neat coloring book about Reykjavik. And as he looked through it, he was so excited to see so many familiar sites.

I'm going to add this cute picture of Q eating her peanut butter and Nutella sandwich, just because she's so stinking cute (and with all the fussing she's been doing so far, we are lacking in cute Q pictures!) 

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